Friday, August 26, 2011

Single mom

That's right, I'm a single mom this weekend.  Hubby took off for Indianapolis to watch motorcycles with his buddies.  I'm not all alone though, Grandma Pat came today and spent the afternoon with Tyler.  That helped a lot since I was SUPER busy today.  I don't think I sat down all day.  Maybe to eat.

Breakfast was quick because had to drop Tyler off at daycare.  Made another smoothie to drink in my new cup.
  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • spinach
  • scoop of vanilla protein powder
  • scoop of vanilla Chobani
  • half a ripe banana
  • filled up the rest with water- would have been better with almond milk
Here's the before:

and after:

Lunch was a delicious treat at the Coffee Den.  Spicy chicken wrap with carrots and celery.  I added a coconut mocha frappe because it sounded delicious.  It was.

After a craaaaazy day, we settled on some salads for supper.  Taco-style.  Used some left-over cajun chicken, black beans, fresh jalapenos, fresh avocado, and taco sauce. I picked up a bag of spinach yesterday at Fareway to tide me over until getting a big container of organic spinach.

After taking the picture I crushed up a couple Doritos and put a dollop of sour cream on.

And I enjoyed a Bud Light Lime as a reward for my efforts today.

Exhausted, time for bed, off to the Farmer's Market tomorrow!

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