Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Holy hotness

Today was so hot that I sweated just looking outside.  And of course we had to play softball tonight.

At 9:30. At night.

Pretty close game... 20-something to 3.

Needless to say I'm just now sitting down to write this, so I doubt I'll be making it up at 6 in the morning to swim.

Before I forget, here's a pic of the delicious kettle corn we saved from the game.  I enjoyed some of it while watching the season premiere of Breaking Bad last night.  Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

So let's see... this morning I started off the day with some vanilla Chobani and the rest of my blueberries.  I sprinkled some chia seeds on of course, but also some organic unsweetened coconut.  That yogurt bar yesterday inspired me!

Lunch was a leftover burger with some pepperjack on top- no bun, no carbs! I also used up the last of my organic spinach for a side salad with slivered almonds.  Back to bagged spinach.  :(

After working a long and late afternoon-didn't get in until almost 7, I didn't have a lot of time to get something to eat.  So I went with an old fav.  Easy quesadillas.

I used a spinach tortilla that we use for wraps, placed some cut-up chipotle chicken (we grill up huge quantities of chicken, cut it up and freeze it for meals like this), black beans, green pepper, and some sharp cheddar.

Heat up the skillet, spray it with Pam, then fold the tortilla in half.  Spray the top half with some Pam as well.

Let the bottom get slightly crunchy then flip and cook the other side until the tortilla is crunchy and the cheese is melted.

Cut into 4 pieces and top with whatever you wish.  I didn't take a picture after I added toppings but I used some salsa and chopped lettuce (which would usually be chopped spinach but I'm out).  If you want to use sour cream that's great, but plain greek yogurt would work as well.  Unfortunately I only had vanilla yogurt, which would probably be disgusting.  

This is actually a pretty big meal, I could have saved two pieces for tomorrow, but I finished it since I missed my afternoon snack of almonds/protein bar.

That's all for today, look forward to tomorrow- grocery shopping day!!

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