Thursday, July 21, 2011

3 AM

Oh Tyler. Definitely hitting a growth spurt. Today he woke up at 3:30 in the morning, crying because he was hungry. Usually he'll go back to sleep if I just lay by him or console him, but this time he wanted milk. Lots of it.  

Not a great way to start my day. Managed to get a little sleep before I had to go into the office to see a patient, but not much. That kind of set the tone for a somewhat lazy day. Don't think I had breakfast until 9 or so. 

Ezekial bread with PB, pomegranate Chobani

I had a serious carb craving around 11, so I threw the leftover whole-wheat spaghetti noodles in a small frying pan with some minced garlic and olive oil and sprinkled shredded parm cheese over it. 

I guess that was my "lunch". Snacked on some fruit the rest of the afternoon.

Since we don't have access to organic produce here in town, the next best thing is to use a produce cleanser to get rid of as much yucky chemical residue and other junk. Here's what I use:

It's different than just rinsing your produce. The next couple pictures show before and after, check out the scummy water from the blueberries and the strawberries.

Blueberries soaking in Biokleen

So fresh and so clean

Dirrrty strawberry water

Oh my gosh I love watermelon. When I was pregnant last year I think I ate a whole watermelon every 3 days by myself. So good.

On to supper. Marinated some chicken in two different sauces, seen here.  Tastes good, but unfortunately they both have a lot of sugar in them.  

While we were grilling, I mashed up an avocado, in the hopes that Tyler would miraculously decide he wants to eat big kid food.  

I was originally adamant that he have only breastmilk the first six months, to avoid any food allergies and to give him the best nutrition possible. Since he's a little milk monster and he seems very interested in what we eat, I thought I'd just try it and see what happens.  

Avocados are easy to digest and they contain many of the essential fats and nutrients that we need. Well, Tyler wasn't having it.  He tried and tried, but just kept lapping at it, like a cat. Guess the tongue-thrust reflex is still there... we'll try again soon.  

So of course I wouldn't let that delicious avocado go to waste. Added a touch of cilantro, garlic powder and parsley flakes and dipped a couple tortilla chips in it.  

Here's a pic of the veggies that went on the grill- got to use my new Pampered Chef grilling basket!

And the completed meal:

After supper I headed to a Wildtree party that one of my patients had.  I haven't ever heard of the company but I guess they sell natural spices and sauces and stuff.  I sampled a couple things, and ordered a couple items, I'll let you know how it goes.

Did you notice there's no mention of exercise today?  Ugh. I had so many hopes of doing a double workout- swimming/bike or swimming/run and then going to yoga... but of course none of that happened.  This triathlon is coming up awfully soon.  

Must get going!!

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